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The Fast Track

Dt. Geetika Uppal Gold-medalist in Nutritional Science and the founder of ‘Foodmatters by Dt.Geetika Uppal’ Interestingly, whoever has attempted to lose weight and considered feeling instantly good about their body…

Seed fund your health

Dt. Geetika Uppal Gold-medalist in Nutritional Science and the founder of ‘Foodmatters by Dt.Geetika Uppal’ Chia has long been touted as a superfood and it isn’t surprising that the world…

Hale & Hearty

Dt. Geetika Uppal Gold-medalist in Nutritional Science and the founder of ‘Foodmatters by Dt.Geetika Uppal’ A woman has unique nutritional needs. She not only needs to take care of her…

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Dt. Geetika Uppal Gold-medalist in Nutritional Science and the founder of ‘Foodmatters by Dt.Geetika Uppal’ Good health starts in the gut. Considered relatively ‘simple’ at one time, our digestive tract…

Mighty immunity

Immunity on a redouble. Well, that is what everyone is working on these days. Supplements off the shelf, healthier foods, lifestyle changes, anything that will help in boosting or building…

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