Categories: Aspire+Lifestyle

The best things to watch, read, eat and do – for every entrepreneur

Watch It

Alain de Botton: Status Anxiety

The Botton Line

YouTube is your friend. And as you start moving ahead building your dreams, you’ll find your near and dear start to fall away. The naysayers and detractors will often be the ones giving the worst advice or bringing negativity you don’t really need as you struggle from idea to profit. Alain de Botton’s book Status Anxiety is a brilliant look at this phenomenon viewed through the lens of social networking and the positives and negatives it holds for us. But not all of us like to read…. So we recommend that you head over to YouTube and look for the documentary on Status Anxiety. We promise you’ll find it an excellent investment of your time and will equip you with the psychological tools you need to successfully wind your way through the online world that now rules our lives.

Read It

Freakonomics by Stephen Levitt

Uncommon Coincidences

What do birth control and crime rates have in common? Discover how all life and events are connected in unique, random and unfathomable ways. And how unrelated events have a way of directing the course of our lives… Freakonomics, written more than three decades ago is a brilliant read, engagingly written to hook in even the lay reader. It became an overnight bestseller and to this day is a must-read for anyone looking to make interesting and entertaining conversation – a skill no entrepreneur should be without.

Rosy is my relative by Gerald Durrell

Decompress With Rosy

Want to get lost in laughter and love. Escape from the craziness of your personal entrepreneurial adventure. Pick up this book and dive into the adventures of Adrian Rookwhistle, someone who also took a chance and ended up finding all he dreamed of. Written by an author who spanned a conservation movement globally, ended up making an island famous and made many, many people laugh with his witty and descriptive writing… Rosy Is My Relative remains one of the finest pieces of writing in English – ever! If you don’t fall off your chair laughing, we’ll be most surprised.

Eat It

Art of Dum

Dum Pukth Cuisine At Your Table!

In the mood for some traditional ‘Dum Pukht’ style cooked food delivered right to your home? The kind of food that takes hours of preparation letting the dishes breathe in their own aroma and juices to beautifully infuse the flavors from the various spices and herbs, making each dish a delight for the senses.

Not just food, it’s a journey across the royal kitchens of the Northwest Frontier Province; from Kashmir to Punjab, to Awadh, Nizam, and Rajputana, all of which define modern day Indian cuisine with melt-in-the-mouth kebabs, fragrant biryanis, luscious delicately spiced gravies, and indulgent sweet dishes.

Art of Dum recreates the charm of the traditional clay pots & tandoors that pay homage to the art of the legendary Khansamas, albeit in a different format, something that is rarely seen in the delivery kitchen format. Premium packaging promoting a zero-plastic policy with reusable premium quality glass jars, clay pots and steel cutlery, completes the luxurious in-home dining experience.

Be It

Zoom Etiquettes

Working from the comfort of our homes, things can get a little sloppy. So, the next time before you hit ‘Join Meeting’, besides the usual ‘dress the part’, ‘avoid cluttered and noisy background’, and ‘mute microphone when not speaking’ rules, this little zoom etiquette list might come in handy.

Use video: A significant portion of a message is also nonverbal. It’s hardly a joy speaking to static pictures and worse, just names. Also, being completely in the picture indicates that you’re actively listening and engaged.

Prepare materials in advance: Make sure you have all notes, PPTs and tabs where you need them to avoid switching between windows or searching for files.

Prepare materials in advance: Direct your meeting: As host, let your group know the agenda for the meeting, set the ground rules and intervene when necessary to ensure smooth sailing.

Do not eat or drink: One exception is water or coffee, especially if you’ve got a packed schedule. However, do not gulp and it’s good to mute the microphone.

Take deliberate pauses: Take a deliberate, slightly extended pause in between sentences to account for lags likely due to connection speeds to ease back and forth communication.

No multitasking: An often-overlooked rule, it’s best to give your full attention to retain more from the meeting, and it will be a more valuable use of everyone’s time.

Sort out troubleshooting: Network, connection, battery et al – you are your own IT team. Make sure everything’s running in ship shape!

Aspire Magz

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