Categories: Pro Talk

Identifying Genetically Inherited Behaviors

Speaker, Strategist, Certified Rockence Genetic Behavior Analyst

“Why people behave the way they do?” many have asked this question since time immemorial. While searching for an answer through observation, the study evolved into a branch of science, what we call ‘Science of Mind’ or Psychology which further branched out to Neuropsychology, Cognitive Science, Behavioral Science, Psychodynamics, Humanistic Science etc.

While the quest is continuing, have you ever felt disturbed by someone else’s behavior? Or have you ever wondered why can’t I be like others? If your answer is Yes, then you are not alone, as it is often a common question for many from all walks of life.

The ‘Science of Mind’ treads with high complexity. This complexity is evident even in identical twins, and they do not behave in the same way. They differ in all forms of intellectual and behavioral aspects.

Behavior is a function of perception × thought formation × belief × conclusions × defense mechanisms. It is an autonomous action potential within the mind, which means, to act in accord with one’s self, feeling free and willing in one’s action.

Research shows that “The mother’s emotional states during gestation impacts the baby’s brain. Excessive fear, anger, or anxiety may produce irritable and hyperactive infants” (Healy, Jane M., PhD. Your Child’s Growing Mind. P 13-15. NY: Doubleday, 1987, 1989.)

Therefore, “Many reactions to the world are already present at birth. The mind is not a blank slate. The brain has many innate predispositions, yet is born unfinished, open to development. The seeds of adult abilities are present from the beginning” (Ornstein, Robert, PhD. The Roots of the Self. P 17, 23, 38. NY: HarperCollins Publishing, 1995.)

RGB Analyzes is based on the Science of Dactylography (scientific study of fingerprints) and hence require no questions to be answered to know about a person

Let Us Look At Few Examples To Understand This A Bit Better.

Scenario 1:
Mr. A is an Entrepreneur. He is aware his business requires a strategy and the right people on the bus to deliver results. So as the Managing Director he has his top management team in place.

He believes he has carefully handpicked his leadership team for success. He has relied on their ‘Hard skills’ such as education, experience, technical knowledge and business acumen, critically verifying all of those hard skills that are vital.

His Board of Directors have approved a Joint Venture with a Korean major. The concern’s before Mr. A are: is my top team ‘competent’ to work with cross cultures during the execution of the project? How well can my Sr. Vice President direct and delegate?

Mr. A has concerns about Sr. VP’s leadership skills as he finds him spending most of his time in the office while he is required at the project site. Though, Mr. A instructed him to visit the site every day he noticed a reluctance with the Sr. VP who often delegates it to his Dy. Manager, four levels junior in the hierarchy.

Mr. A wonders what was missing during the selection process. What has the HR missed out on, though they did an excellent background check.

Scenario 2:
The Factory Manager at ABC Technologies often complaints about the Production Executive Peter Nelson who is a few months old in the organization. Peter hasn’t shown any contribution on the shop floor, and his performance has been negative so far.

However, Peter shows great interest in diversifying the sales process and goes around during lunch hours to meet some colleagues from the sales team and offers unsolicited advice. He also made an aborted attempt to present a marketing plan to impress the Marketing Director during his fifth month with the company.

Issues such that of Peter Nelson are common in businesses and organizations. Many a career have been compromised and talented young men and woman have found themselves in the wrong roles, continuing only because of the paycheck and lack of courage to change. The inherent loss is both, to the organization as well as the employee.

Behavior = Hard Skills + Soft Skills

Universally organizations essentially rely on hard skills, missing out majorly the Soft skills. While the effects of soft skills are intangible, the hard skills are measurable through the certifications, experience etc. There goes a saying “Managers are hired for their hard skills and fired for the lack of soft skills.”

In both of the above scenarios, people have the requisite qualifications and experience in their respective field. What is lacking is the
1. Approach to people in communication and delegation
2. Approach to performing the task and
3. Approach to proper problem solving

Therefore, what we need is a solution, that when applied will undoubtedly tell you everything about a potential recruit.

The Solution: Rockence Genetic Behavior Analyzes

Rockence Genetic Behavior Analyzes [RGB Analyzes] is a Descriptive Trait Diagnostic study of human behavior. Unlike other behavior assessment instruments, the technique does not employ any Q&A methods or paper-pencil test. This eliminates mood fluctuation, emotional stress, or environmental influence or experience acquired by attempting many such tests.

Behavior is an observable action as determined by the observer, and for the person in action it is an unconscious activity, and therefore his/her actions are right and justified. But for an ‘observer’ it may be counted as either an acceptable or unacceptable behavior. The acceptance or unacceptance is dependent on the mental / emotional state of the observer.

RGB Analyzes focuses on the ‘internal identity’ of an individual, which is genetically formed innate behavioral disposition. In other words, it is the manifestation of electro-neurochemical activities predicated by an external stimulation within the neural cells.

The Process of RGB Analyzes

RGB Analyzes is based on the Science of Dactylography. (scientific study of fingerprints) and hence require no questions to be answered to know about a person. It takes a Gestalt approach in its analytical comprehension. This means it identifies the observed action as the result of two or more individual TRAITS that cross-modulates each other, to form an Observed Behavior.

Psychometric tools are very effective in understanding the symptoms of any behavioral anomalies, on the other hand, RGB gets into the core of such problem by unearthing its causes. The diagnostic study largely utilizes the theories of Psychodynamics, Transactional Approach and Neuropsychology.

The report identifies an individual’s unique drives and needs that motivates or excites them. This helps the organizations objectify workplace behaviors to build stronger teams

The report thus drawn captures and identifies an individual’s unique drives and needs that motivates or excites them. This helps the organizations objectify workplace behaviors to build stronger teams.

RGBA scores an extremely high edge when compared with any other psychometric instrument, wherein every ‘soft skill’ is measured on a scale of twelve [12] and an exact, accurate grading is measured and placed at the birth stage of the individual.

The benefits of the same are not restricted to executives & corporates alone can also be applied to effectively predict your child’s future career prospects, resolve midlife career conflict and decision making, accepting individual differences leading to healthy relationships, freedom of personal growth, and much more.

RGB Analyzes is the combined effort of brilliant minds drawn across from Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Psychoanalysts, Psychodynamics and Psychiatry. Put forth in one sentence, it is a system that provides ‘Tangible Solutions for Intangible Problems’!

Kumar Shankaran Aiyar

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